Here is another one based once again on an MM classic. The trees could have been better but after 11.00 pm, I did not have patience for a third attempt. I am happy to be facing the problem of paint flowing on its own, meaning I am loading the brush now. How to control the flow is the new challenge now.
I had a month long break and now I need to make up for that. So the plan is to resume one painting per day program. Not all results will be worth showing here, but I will nonetheless enjoy the 2/3 hours of playing with colours. This one is again based on MM's work. The original is a class one and I am happy with my effort too! I hope you will like it as well.
Finally, after a gap of almost one month, I am painting again. Showing two gardens painted in last two days. I had to do some damage control in both the paintings but I think I've done ok. The first one is based on a Milind Mulick's painting from his popular book "Watercolour". The second one is based on an old photograph from my family album.